The mission of the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry Alumni Association is to foster lifelong relationships among its members and with the dental school.

Alumni of the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry are exceptional professionals. Leaders in local, state and national dental organizations, our alumni are also active participants and volunteers in their communities. Their ties to the dental school remain strong long after graduation. In fact, countless alumni come back to the school to teach while maintaining outside dental practices. Others mentor prospective dental students or volunteer as members of our alumni or foundation boards. Alumni reconnect with the school and each other at regional continuing education programs and/or social events organized by our Alumni Association. Learn more and join us today!

Get involved with the Alumni Association
Join Us!

Your dues support the Alumni Association and give you a wide range of benefits. Signing up for our newsletter will keep you informed and connected!

alumni at the CDA Presents convention
Members-only benefit
Business Directory

NEW! List your business and search for classmates’ and colleagues’ businesses. Get referrals and stay in touch with your colleagues! This directory is for businesses only as it will be open to the public. (Members can continue to contact the Alumni Association for referrals as well:

group of people
Upcoming Events

View all alumni events

Alumni meeting group 2023
Save the Dates!

Did you hear there will no longer be CDA Presents meetings in Northern California? No problem: Plan to attend our Annual Alumni Association Meeting each winter where you can earn up to 12 CE units. Bring your staff and colleagues! Mark your calendars:  January 31-February 1, 2025.

Dental Opportunities
Career Listings for Students & Alumni

Recent graduate? Looking for work? You'll find opportunities listed here, and you can post your CV too!

dental clinic
Offer Your Opportunity

Are you seeking to hire a dentist or hygienist? Posting a listing is free for Alumni Association members current in their annual dues.

now hiring

Posting a listing is free for Alumni Association members current in their annual dues. For all others, the fee is $210 for three months; or individuals can join the Alumni Association —   for the dues-equivalent fee of $210 which will allow you to post up to seven listings during a one-year period*. After seven postings, each listing will cost $50. The same rule applies to businesses wishing to post listings.

*One-year: Our dues-period years follow the academic calendar: July through June.

Dental Professionals for Hire

Are you seeking to hire a dentist or hygienist? To find a bright, enthusiastic and well-trained employee, take a look at our listing of soon-to-graduate and recently graduated alumni members who have posted their C.V./resume on this site. You may quickly find the professional employee you need to complete your dental office staffing needs! 

If you have any questions about these services, please call 415.351.7108.

Dental Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship
Support Dental Students

This fund helps lower tuition for deserving students who would not otherwise be able to attend the Dugoni School of Dentistry.

About Us

Who are we? We are the best dental school alumni association in the country. How do we know? Our statistics tell us: 25% of our more than 8,000 members are active dues-paying members, an unheard-of testament to the positive feeling our graduates have for their alma mater. Each year, more than 1,000 members attend the Alumni Meeting, bringing staff and guests and contributing to attendance records that are astonishing. 

Our Values

  • Integrity — The association is guided by accountability and high ethical standards. 
  • Communication — The association encourages active listening and open discussion, keeping members informed and connected to the dental school. 
  • Leadership — The association exemplifies visionary guidance with innovation and dedication. 
  • Camaraderie — The association is held together by a deep sense of belonging to the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry family, goodwill and rapport among members.

Our Goals

  • Communicate with our members to keep them informed and up-to-date 
  • Enhance the sense of pride in the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry 
  • Maximize membership and participation 
  • Provide scholarship funding for worthy students 
  • Encourage alumni to participate in philanthropy 
  • Foster relationships between alumni and students 
  • Create an atmosphere in which students will want to participate in the association and the dental school throughout their careers.

Active Membership

Active members are alumni who support our Association by paying membership dues each year. We rely on our members' dues payments to support the Alumni Association's mission and goals. Annual dues are $210 per year. Dues notices are sent to all alumni each December. Members attending alumni events (i.e. Annual Meeting, CDA receptions or regional events) are expected to be current in dues payments. All graduates and associate members receive every mailing from the Alumni Association, regardless of dues-paying status.

Associate Membership

Dentists who are not graduates of our dental school are invited to join the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry Alumni Association as associate members. For the same annual membership dues of $210 per year, non-graduate dentists receive all mailings and benefits, and are listed in our directory as associate members. To join the Alumni Association as an associate member, please contact our Alumni Office at 415.351.7108.

Recent Graduates

Recent graduates are exempt from dues for the first dues year following graduation, and dues are discounted 50% for the next four years. Alums in AEGDs, GPRs, or specialty programs are not expected to pay dues. Life members are exempt from dues payments. 


Alumni and associates who are dental hygienists are $105 per year.

How do I join the Alumni Association?

Graduates of the Dugoni School of Dentistry in all programs (DDS, IDS, DH, AEGD, OMFS, Ortho and Endo) are automatically members of the Alumni Association. Active members are alumni who support the association by paying membership dues each year. We rely on our members' dues payments to sustain the Alumni Association's mission and goals. Currently, regular dues are $210 per year, and there are several benefits of membership, including the opportunity to attend the annual Alumni Meeting where you can earn CE units.

What is an Associate Member?

Dentists who are not graduates of our dental school are invited to join the Dugoni Alumni Association as associate members. For the same annual membership dues, non-graduate dentists receive all mailings and benefits. Interested individuals need to fill out an associate membership application or contact the Alumni Association office.

How much are the annual membership dues?

Regular membership dues are $210 per year for both alumni and associate members. The membership year runs July 1 through June 30 the following year, and all members are sent dues statements each summer.

New graduates are exempt from dues payments their first year out of school, and are given a discount up to four years after graduation. Life members are exempt from dues payments. 

What are the benefits of joining as a dues-paying member?

The Alumni Association operates as a department of the School of Dentistry with the sole purpose of promoting the welfare of the school, its graduates and the profession of dentistry. The Alumni Association sponsors and supports programs for our alumni, students and the profession — from the annual Alumni Meeting (where you can earn CE units and connect with fellow alumni) to various alumni chapter events and all-member receptions. The Alumni Association also provides services to our members, such as the Dental Opportunities online listing of jobs and practices for sale, student loan consolidation discounts through SoFi, referral services through our office, and volunteer opportunities.

How do I view or post job openings?

The Alumni Association offers Dental Opportunities, a monthly online resource to help match dentists looking for new associates with graduates and senior students seeking employment. Dental Opportunities includes listings organized by geographic location in the following categories:

  • Associateships/Partnerships/Dentists/Hygienists
  • Externships and Graduate Programs
  • Practices for Sale/Office Space Sale/Lease

There is no charge to view listings. Posting a listing (or several listings) is free to those who are current dues-paying members. For all others, a listing costs $210 for three months or you can join the Alumni Association for $210 a year (as an alumnus or an associate member) and have unlimited listings.

Those searching for a job can also post their C.V. and contact information.

Alumni Meeting

When is the annual Alumni Meeting?

The annual Alumni Meeting is usually held in early March. The two-day meeting takes place in San Francisco at a local hotel.

Who can attend the Alumni Meeting?

The Alumni Meeting is open to all dues-paying members (active or associate), life members and students from the graduating class. You must join the Alumni Association as a dues-paying member to attend the Alumni Meeting.

What is the fee to attend the Alumni Meeting?

The fee is subject to change and is announced several months before the Meeting. This is a separate fee from the annual membership dues. Students in the graduating class are exempt from the registration fee.

How can I contact the Alumni Association?


By Phone:
415.351.7108, Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

By Mail:
Alumni Association
Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry
155 Fifth Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
By Fax:415.749.3377

The Registrar office is open Monday-Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm PDT and can be reached at or 415.929.6461.

Ordering official transcripts

Please follow the instructions listed on this page, here.

Requesting additional documentation

Alumni documentation can include graduation verification letters, completing forms that require the Registrar’s signature, and more. To file a request for your school documentation, please email We encourage you to send an email using your Pacific email address if it’s still accessible to you.

Please note that we do our best to process all requests within 3-5 business days. In the event that your request is delayed due to unforeseen circumstances, we will contact you.

Post-graduate applications

Post-graduate applications are managed by Dr. Craig Yarborough. Students applying to post-graduate programs should request a postgraduate informational folder from Dr. Yarborough at

Ordering a copy of your diploma

Please follow the instructions listed on this page, here.

Staying Connected with Pacific

Emails and Passwords

If you are having trouble accessing your Pacific email account or can't remember your school password, please contact Information Technology at 415.929.6514 or We encourage alumni to keep their Pacific login information.

Alumni Social Media Ambassadors Wanted!

We're looking for a few volunteer alumni to help get the word out about Alumni Association initiatives and events. Interested in helping?

Volunteer Duties:

  • Occasionally share key announcements (e.g., membership dues drive, reunion events, etc.) from the Alumni Association to your social networks and/or your class Facebook page
  • If you attend an alumni function, post a picture to help share the fun from the event!
  • Send any ideas for interesting content you think Dugoni School alumni would like to see
  • Pass along information about job openings, helpful professional resources or other resources that we can feature on the dental school's social media feeds
  • Share your ideas about how the Alumni Association can increase engagement with alumni on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn or other social networks

If you'd like to get involved, contact the Alumni Association at

To learn more about the school's presence on social media, visit:

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Fall 2024
Contact Point

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